Before travelling to Singapore, or indeed any destination, it is good practise to check the travel advice pages of your own government’s website for up to the minute advice on travel and especially for specific threats to your safety based on your nationality, gender, race, religion or sexual persuasion. 

Aside from the usual precautions recommended for global travel generally, there is no presently additional threat of terrorism in Singapore. However, the government has made a number of arrests related to the Jemaah Islamiyah Group, dedicated to a Southeast Asian Islamic Caliphate, who were operating a cell in Singapore. 

Singapore is earthquake free but the faults in nearby Indonesia have the potential to produce tremors. In some years, heavy rains can cause flooding, and on rare occasions have resulted in loss of life.  

Tourist crime is not as prevalent in Singapore as in some neighbouring countries, but the usual assortment of petty thieves found everywhere will target tourists for portable technology, handbags and luggage, purses, wallets and passports especially at busy tourist sites and markets. Violent attacks are extremely rare. 

There are a number of laws in Singapore which require careful consideration to avoid the potential for falling foul of the authorities.  

Overstaying your visa can result in fines, imprisonment and caning. Any activity which could be construed as vandalism is punishable by caning. Likewise any behaviour by men toward women likely to be interpreted as inappropriate will lead to caning. 

Molestation, or acts which can be misconstrued as such, will lead to arrest and the confiscation of your passport. Scams involving ‘set ups’ of these situations exist, so great care should be exercised. 

The unauthorised display of national flags and emblems is forbidden, as is the display or wearing of ‘cause related material’. Littering, smoking in public places or chewing gum on the rapid transport system will induce fines and are offences rigorously enforced. 

The filming of demonstrations is illegal. Demonstrations, which you should in any case avoid, require government approval, and participation may result in arrest. 

Foreign nationals are not allowed to give talks on religious, political or cause-related issues without prior permission. Gatherings of Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Unification Church, even in private, or the possession of related literature, including bibles, is illegal. 

Never use illegal drugs. Penalties are severe, and can include the death penalty.  

Male homosexuality is illegal in Singapore, though the law is seldom enforced, and prosecutions are largely connected with solicitation.