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Cruising the Upper Mekong 9 Days

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Day 1:
Arriving overland or by air at Chiang Khong airport in northern Thailand, you’ll cross the border into Laos at Houei Say to board a traditional boat down the Mekong river to Pakbeng, and its lively ethnic market. You’ll stay the night at Pakbeng Lodge.
Day 2:
Today you’ll drift past riverside villages and unspoilt forest, visiting the multitudinous Buddha statues at Pak Ou caves, before arriving at Luang Prabang, where you’ll stay the night.
Day 3:
Today you’ll tour the city, visiting the captivating Wat Xieng Thong, Wat Mai, the Day Market and the picturesque viewpoint at Mount Phousi.
Day 4:
An early rise will find you on the streets for the famous alms ceremony. Later you’ll visit the forested surroundings of Kuangsi waterfall and the weaving village of Ban Phanom.
Day 5:
After breakfast, you’ll be driven to the airport for your short flight to the capital, Vientiane, and check-in to your hotel. You’ll have some time to rest, before a walking tour of the inner city will visit Wat Sisaket, Wat Prakeo, Lang Stupa and Patuxay Monument.
Day 6:
In the morning, you’ll take the short flight to Pakse, where you’ll be met and driven to board the boutique Vat Phou cruise boat, setting off downriver to the enigmatic Khmer ruins at Wat Phou. At nightfall, you’ll dine aboard the Vat Phou, before retiring to your cabin.
Day 7:
After breakfast, your trip downriver will continue to Huei Thamo and Oum Moung Temple, and later sail the waterways of the Mekong known as the region of 4000 islands, visiting the village of Ban Dua Tae, before re-boarding the Vat Phou for dinner.
Day 8:
Your cruise continues to the village of Ban Veuthong, from where you’ll board a long-tail boat to visit Khone island, still echoing with its French-colonial past, and Khone Peng waterfall. Later you’ll be transferred back to the mainland and driven to Pakse, where you’ll spend the night.
Day 9:
Your time will be free at leisure, until your driver picks you up for your short flight to Vientiane, in good time for your onward or homebound connection.



US $ 2424

Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate


Domestic flights
Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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