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Thailand Cultural Overture 12 Days

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Day 1:
On arrival in Chiang Mai, you’ll be met and driven to your hotel.
Day 2:
Explore local history by touring four prominent temples in Chiang Mai, and in the evening ride a songthaew to a night market to try out local gastronomic specialties.
Day 3:
Visit a morning market and board a local train to reach the farm hosting a cooking class where you’ll prepare main course and dessert, then have a free evening in Chiang Mai.
Day 4:
Visit the Thai Elephant Conservation Centre to see these gentle giants being cared for, then visit some producers of beautiful hand-woven textiles in Sri Satchanalai.
Day 5:
Explore the dramatic temples of Sukhothai Historical Park, once Thailand’s royal capital, then join classes on the local arts of cotton weaving and ceramic painting.
Day 6:
View the exceptional collection of artefacts on Thai life at the Sergeant Major Thawee Folklore Museum, enjoy a local-style lunch on the road and a river cruise on a converted rice barge before reaching Ayutthaya where you will spend the night.
Day 7:
Visit the summer palace of Bang Pa In, Wat Mahatat and Wat Chi Wathanaram, browse a local market for specialty foods and try out ancient Thai royal cuisine.
Day 8:
In Kanchanaburi visit the Thai Burma Railway Centre, the Allied War Cemetery, and the Bridge over the River Kwai, ride the railway itself and see the Hellfire Pass Museum.
Day 9:
Today you are free to simply enjoy your beautiful riverside hotel, or take an optional activity like boating or rafting on the river, elephant riding or bicycling.
Day 10:
Transfer to Bangkok and spend the day relaxing or exploring the city, then enjoy a guided evening tour around the street food area of the city’s Chinatown.
Day 11:
Visit the city sights on a ‘Bangkok – the local way’ tour, seeing Wat Pho, the Grand Palace, Wat Arun and Jim Thompson’s while getting around by tuk tuk, taxi, ferry, long tail boat and by foot.
Day 12:
After breakfast, you’ll be free until your car arrives for transfer to the airport to board your departing international flight.



US $ 1813

Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Two lunches and two dinners
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate


Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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