The currency of Bhutan is the Ngultrum (Nu), with note denominations of Nu1, Nu5, Nu10, Nu20, Nu50, Nu100 and Nu500. Coinage is incremented in values of Chetrum (cents) in denominations Chetrum 25, Chetrum 50 and Nu1. In practice, change can often be received in Indian Rupees.

At the present time, although change is afoot, Credit Cards are virtually useless in Bhutan, with only a few Government agencies and premier hotels to accept this form of payment, additionally characterised by high charges and delays. No international ATM machines currently exist. 

US dollars and Indian Rupees are accepted in addition to Ngultrum by most businesses. 

Well-known brands of traveller’s cheques in major currencies are acceptable in Banks and most hotels. Banks can also exchange currencies.