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Vietnam Culinary Tour 12 Days

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Day 1:
Arriving at Noi Bai airport in Hanoi, you’ll be greeted and driven to your hotel, with time to relax before an afternoon cyclo ride of the old quarter. In the evening you’’ have a performance of traditional water puppetry and your welcome dinner.

Day 2:
In the morning, a guided walking tour explores the architectural features of the city centre. After lunch, a visit to the Temple of Literature and the Ethnology Museum provide a window into the cultural soul of Vietnam, followed by an enjoyable afternoon tea in the convivial colonial ambience of the luxury Sofitel Metropole.

Day 3:
Today, you’ll explore the lifestyle of the traditional villages surrounding Hanoi, with a stroll around Bat Trang observing its craftspeople at work, and a leisurely 7km cycle along a tributary of the Red River. Later, a drive to Dong Ho village, famed for its traditional paintings is followed by a picnic lunch, and an afternoon in Dong Ho village and a performance of Quan Ho music.

Day 4:
Visiting a family restaurant, you’ll meet your chef over a cup of green tea, before she takes you to the market to explore Vietnamese ingredients and select your choices. Returning to the restaurant, you’ll be guided in cooking the traditional cuisine of northern Vietnam, before sampling the various dishes. In the afternoon, you’ll be driven to the airport for your flight to Hue, in central Vietnam, and your next hotel.

Day 5:
In the morning, you’ll visit the historic Imperial Citadel of the Nguyen Emperors, before cruising up the Perfume River to Thien Mu Pagoda, and a visit to the Royal mausoleum of Emperor Minh Mang. In the afternoon, you’ll be driven to Tha Om Garden House to learn the cooking skills of classic Hue cuisine and enjoy the fruits of your labour amid the pleasant surroundings.

Day 6:
Leaving Hue, a morning drive over the views of the Hai Van pass bring you to Danang and its Cham museum, before travelling on to the town of Hoi An for check-in to your hotel. After lunch a guided tour of the UNESCO World Heritage area explores the remarkable history of its charming car-free centre.

Day 7:
After breakfast, a relaxing 3 km cycle through the countryside to Tra Que Lagoon provides a delightful opportunity to join the locals in their vegetable growing, before travelling back to the old town to visit a local family and learn the art of making the paper lanterns so iconic to Hoi An, before sharing a lunch with your hosts. Your afternoon will be free at your leisure.

Day 8:
Your time will be free until your driver takes you to the airport for your afternoon flight to Dalat, where you’ll be met and driven to your hotel.

Day 9:
A morning cable car ride up to the gardens of Truc Lam Pagoda and views of Tuyen Lam Lake, is followed by an exploration of local art, with visits to a prolific local artist, the flamboyant phantasmagorical architecture of the ‘crazy’ house, and the beautifully skilful creative embroidery pictures of the women at Su Quan.

Day 10:
In the morning, you’ll be driven to the airport for your noon flight to Ho Chi Minh City, wher you’ll be driven to your hotel, with time to settle before a guided tour of the city’s highlights.

Day 11:
For your final cooking class, in Ho Chi Minh City’s Cookery Centre, you’ll visit the market for ingredients before an introduction to Vietnamese culinary culture and cooking your dishes. After dining upon your fare, you’ll be awarded a certificate of competence in Vietnamese cooking, with the afternoon free at leisure.

Day 12:
Your time will be free until your driver takes you to the airport for your onward or departure flight.



US $ 3153

Domestic flight ticket: Hanoi - Hue, Hue - Dalat, Dalat- Ho Chi Minh
Breakfast and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Eleven lunches and six dinners
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars


Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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