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Fascinating Eastern Bhutan 14 Days

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Day 1:
Arriving at Paro Airport, you’ll be met and driven to your hotel, with time to settle in and relax before an afternoon visit to Ta Dzong, an ancient watchtower now housing the National Museum.
Day 2:
Today, you’ll hike for around three hours, to visit Bhutan’s most iconic monastery, at Taktsang, the legendary Tiger’s Nest, an important and stupendously scenic feature of Bhutan’s early history.
Day 3:
This morning, you’ll be driven to Thimpu, and check-in to your hotel, before a sightseeing tour of Bhutan’s capital, visiting the Memorial Chorten, Folk Heritage Museum and School of Arts and Crafts.
Day 4:
Today, you’ll be driven through the countryside over Dochu La Pass, at an altitude of 3.475 metres (11,400 feet) and beyond into the valley and your Punakha hotel, with an afternoon visit to Punakha Dzong.
Day 5:
This morning, you’ll travel along the Phobjikha Valley, visiting Nyingmapa Monastery and Chendebji Chorten on your way to Trongsa, and your next hotel.
Day 6:
After a morning visit to Trongsa Dzong, you’ll travel onward through the Bhutanese landscape to your hotel in Bumthang.
Day 7:
Today, you’ll visit the sights and scenery of Bumthang Valley, the spiritual heartland of the country, with visits to the 7th century Jampa Lhakhang and Kurji Lhankhang.
Day 8:
Today, you’ll be driven along the Ura Valley and over Thrumshing La Pass and descending through the forested cliffs of Eastern Bhutan and onward to Mongar and your hotel.
Day 9:
After breakfast, you’ll explore the surrounding countryside and visit the famous weaving villages of Lhuntse.
Day 10:
In the morning, you’ll head further into the pine forests of Bhutan’s little visited east to the town of Trashigang.
Day 11:
Today, you’ll explore the far northeast of the country at Trashiyangtse, famed for the quality of its woodworking and visiting Chorten Kora, before driving on through the beautiful scenery of Bomdeling Wildlife Sanctuary, returning to Trashigang for the night.
Day 12:
This morning, you’ll head south, with a stop at Khaling Weaving Centre, arriving at Samdrup Jongkar, close to the Indian border, and your next hotel.
Day 13:
Today, you’ll cross the border into India’s Assam State and across the plain to Guhuwati, where you’ll check-in to your hotel.
Day 14:
After breakfast, you’ll be taken to the airport for your onward or departure flight.



US $ 3114

Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate


Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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