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Khmer Empire Explorer 4 Days

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Day 1:
Arriving at Siem Reap Airport, you’ll be met and driven to your hotel, with time to relax and settle into your new surroundings, before dinner and a performance of Aspara dance.
Day 2:
Your thorough exploration of ancient Angkor, during its time the world’s most advanced and most populous city, begins with Angkor Thom and its Bayon, remarkable for its iconic stone heads, used to such evocative effect in the film, ‘Apocalypse Now’, the Elephant and Leper Terraces and the Baphuon Temple. In the afternoon, visit the city’s most famous structure, Angkor Wat, the pinnacle of Angkorian achievement.
Day 3:
Today, visit some of the outer sites including the highly explorable monastic complex of Preah Khan, the Himalayan style Neak Pean, and East Mebon. After lunch, the journey through the lost civilisation continues at  the tree-strangled otherworldly temple of Ta Prohm, instantly recognisable from the film ‘Tomb Raider’, followed by Prasat Kravan and Srah Srang Lake and landing terrace.
Day 4:
Today you will be free in Siem Reap until time for your driver to take you to the airport for your departing flight.



US $ 282

Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate


Domestic flights
Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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