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Nature Trails 9 Days

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Day 1:
Arriving at Noi Bai airport, you’ll be met and driven to your hotel, with time to settle in and relax before your evening welcome dinner and a performance of traditional water puppetry.
Day 2:
In the morning, you’ll be driven to Cuc Phuong National Park, southwest of the capital. After your arrival, you’ll have a wander through the subtropical forest, surrounded by thousand year old trees and dripping vines to the prehistoric cave, before retiring for the night in the Park’s facilities.
Day 3:
This morning, an enlightening visit to the Endangered Primate Rescue Centre is followed by lunch and a drive to Giáo Xuân Commune, in the coastal Xuân Thủy National Park, where you’ll meet the local family with whom you’ll spend the night. In the afternoon a short bike ride will take you to visit the local market and Xuân Châu village.
Day 4:
After a breakfast in the local style, you’ll leave the village and spend the morning exploring Xuân Thủy National Park aboard a motor boat, experiencing the nature and wetland birdlife of the reserve. After lunch, you’ll return to Hanoi and your hotel.
Day 5:
Your time will be free until your driver takes you to the airport for your flight to Ho Chi Minh City, and your next hotel.
Day 6:
In the morning, you’ll be driven to Nam Cat Tien National Park. After lunch, you’ll have a jeep ride into the forest, followed by a 3km hike to Crocodile Lake to watch from your hide as the evening wildlife come to the lake to drink. As darkness falls a quiet row of the lake among the crocodiles will spot nocturnal visitors, before your stay at a lakeside guesthouse.
Day 7:
In the morning, another rowboat sojourn on the lake will seek out the interesting water birds of the lake. Travelling back to Park HQ, you’ll have a short hike to the Giant Ficus tree. After a canteen lunch, a motor boat cruise down Dong Nai River, brings you to Ta Lai village, from where you’’ visit the farms of the S’Tieng and Chau Ma ethnic minorities, staying at a guesthouse.
Day 8:
In the morning, you’ll have a cycle ride of the nearby Ben Ngu area of Nam Cat Tien Park, for a wander among the trees and a visit to the rapids before lunch in the canteen and the journey back to Ho Chi Minh City.
Day 9:
Your time will be free until your driver takes you to the airport for your onward or departure flight.



US $ 1578

Breakfast and accommodation sharing a twin or double room.

Pick-ups and transfers by private air-conditioned vehicle as specified in the itinerary above (Please note: pick-ups will be by a guide and driver or, where a guide is not necessary, a driver only. All unaccompanied drivers will be briefed in advance, and will carry a mobile phone to ensure smooth transfer arrangements)

Domestic flight tickets: Hanoi – Ho Chi Minh City, including domestic airport taxes.

Travel in an appropriate private air-conditioned vehicle with an experienced safe driver.

Where necessary, entry fees for all visits as mentioned in the programme.

Jeep transfer in the Nam Cat Tien National Park

Boat cruises and rowing boat as programme.

The use of bicycles

The services of one of the park’s English-speaking guides as indicated in the itinerary

Lunches and dinners (as specified in the itinerary) in the best local restaurants, or picnics where no suitable restaurant is available, and in the park’s canteens

VAT and other taxes


International flight tickets and airport tax


Lunches and dinners, except as specified above

Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

Camera fees (if any)


Surcharges for peak season (if any)

Compulsory Christmas Eve’s dinner and Gala dinner (if any)

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Please use this section if you wish to make any specific requests for your tour.

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