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Borneo's Wildlife Wonderland 10 days

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Day 1:
Arriving at Kota Kinabalu International Airport, you’ll be greeted and driven to your hotel.
Day 2:
Today, you’ll board a boat the short trip to your choice of Sapi or Manukan islands in Tunku Abdul Rahman National Marine Park for a day’s leisure at the beach.
Day 3:
In the morning, a drive through the countryside and forest scenery of the Crocker Ridge will bring you to Poring Hot Springs, where you can enjoy the elevated view of the forest from the 41 m high canopy walkway on your way to the springs. After lunch, you’ll travel to Kinabalu Park to visit its mountain orchid gardens, before returning to Kota Kinabalu.
Day 4:
This morning, you’ll go in search of the famous Rafflesia, the world’s largest flower, travelling through the Crocker Ridge to the Rafflesia Centre, where you’ll learn about the exotic plant, before heading into the forest to search for buds or, if you’re really lucky, the enormous flower. In the afternoon, you’ll visit the Murut Cultural Village to meet these amazing forest people and learn about their timeless lifestyle, before heading to Tenom Agricultural Park, visiting the spice and orchid gardens and bee farm. Dinner will be derved in the Park’s rest house, where you’ll also spend the night.
Day 5:
Today, you’ll catch the train to Padas Gorge for an exciting rafting ride through the Padas River rapids. In the afternoon, after another train journey to Beaufort, you’ll be driven back to your Kota Kinabalu hotel.
Day 6:
In the morning, you’ll be driven to the airport for your flight to Sandakan and the boat transfer to the beautiful Selingan Island and check-in to your chalet, with the afternoon free to enjoy its white sand beach. After dinner, an island ranger will take you to the turtle nesting site and the island hatchery.
Day 7:
In the morning, you’ll return to mainland Sandakan, from where you’ll be driven into the forest to the Sepilok Orang Utan Sanctuary to watch the feeding of these marvellous creatures. In the afternoon, you’ll travel on to the Kinabatangan River, and check-in to your riverside chalet, with a late afternoon cruise upstream in search of wildlife.
Day 8:
A morning cruise will offer further wildlife spotting opportunities. In the afternoon. You’ll journey to Semporna, on Borneo’s eastern coast, for the speedboat transfer to Mabul Island, famed for its close proximity to the uninhabited Pulau Sipadan, one of the world’s premier dive locations.
Day 9:
Your time will be free on Pulau Mabul o spend in your own style.
Day 10:
In the morning, you’ll return to the mainland, where you’ll be met and driven to Tawau airport for the flight to Kuala Lumpur and your onward connection or departure flight.



US $ 3233

· Breakfast and accommodation sharing a twin or double room.
· Boat cruises as specified in the programme. 
· Travel in an appropriate private air-conditioned vehicle with an experienced safe driver.
· The services of experienced English-speaking guides as indicated in the itinerary
· Where necessary, entry fees for all visits as mentioned in the programme.


· International flight tickets and airport tax.
· Domestic flight tickets: Kota Kinabalu – Sandakan and Tawau – Kuala Lumpur. 
· Visas
· Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses.
· Insurance
· Surcharges for peak season (if any)
· Compulsory Christmas Eve’s dinner and Gala dinner (if any)

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