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China Imperial Cities 13 Days

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Day 1:
Arrival at Beijing Airport: chauffeured transfer to your hotel.
Day 2:
Stroll Tiananmen Square and the Forbidden City, and follow the steps of the emperors to the Temple of Heaven.
Day 3:
Visit the iconic Great Wall of China, viewing its undulating path over mountain terrain, then return to the capital for a well-earned dinner of Beijing roast duck.
Day 4:
Wander the alleys of Beijing’s historical hutong neighbourhoods by rickshaw and visit the local people, and then explore the 798 Art District.
Day 5:
Fly to Xi'an, then visit the vast collection of art and historical artefacts at Shaanxi History Museum, and tour Xi'an’s picturesque, ancient city wall by bicycle.
Day 6:
View the incredible 2,200 year-old Terracotta Warriors, silently standing guard for 1,800 years, then visit Big Wild Goose Pagoda and Xian’s Great Mosque.
Day 7:
Fly to Nanjing, visit Zhonghua Gate, Ming Xiaoling Mausoleum, and the bustling pedestrian area around Confucius Temple (Fuzimiao).
Day 8:
Visit Nanjing’s Yangtze River Bridge and later board the train to Suzhou.
Day 9:
Pass some time at the Humble Administrator’s Garden, cruise on the Grand Canal and ride a rickshaw through Suzhou’s hutong neighbourhoods.
Day 10:
Explore the milennia-old water town of Tongli, crisscrossed by rivers and a web of bridges, then drive on to Shanghai.
Day 11:
Visit Yuyuan Garden and the riverfront Bund, Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall and the 474m high observation deck of Shanghai World Financial Centre.
Day 12:
Get a taste of Shanghainese life in Caoyang New Neighbourhood, visit a market and join local residents to make dumplings.
Day 13:
Free time until your guide arrives to transfer you to Shanghai Airport for your departing flight.



US $ 2693

Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Ten lunches and one dinner
Experienced English speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate
Domestic flights (Beijing-Xian, Xian-Nanjing), rail pass (Nanjing-Suzhou)


Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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