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Laos Sonata 12 Days

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Day 1:
Arriving at Vientiane Airport, you’ll be met and driven to your hotel, with time to settle in before a short walking tour of the Capital and your welcome dinner.
Day 2:
Today, a thorough guided tour of the city will visit the cultural and historic highlights of the venerable capital city and culminates with a pleasurable sunset stroll of the Mekong Waterfront.
Day 3:
After breakfast, you’ll be driven to the airport for your flight to the southern city of Pakse, followed by a drive through the Laotian countryside with a stop at the ancient Khmer temple at Wat Phou, before arriving at your accommodation at the Kingfisher Eco Lodge.
Day 4:
Your time will be your own at leisure in the Nature Retreat, exploring the area and its wildlife. Available activities include Hiking, elephant safari, Mountain Biking and Birdwatching.
Day 5:
Your time will be your own at leisure in the Nature Retreat, exploring the area and its wildlife. Available activities include Hiking, elephant safari, Mountain Biking and Birdwatching.
Day 6:
In the morning, you’ll be driven to visit the powerful Khone Papheng waterfall, at the Mekong River’s widest stretch, followed by the short boat ride to Don Khone island, where you’ll check-in at Sala Don Khone, with the rest of the day free at leisure.
Day 7:
A morning exploration of Don Khone and surrounding Mekong islands will also visit Liphi Waterfall in the Cambodian border area, returning to Don Khone with the rest of the day at leisure.
Day 8:
In the morning, you’ll be taken ashore for the drive to Pakse and your flight via Vientiane to Luang Prabang, arriving in the afternoon for check-in to your hotel.
Day 9:
A comprehensive guided tour of the UNESCO World Heritage city explores the important landmarks, and their place in Laotian culture and culminates with the splendid views of the city and surrounding landscape from Mount Phousi.
Day 10:
An early morning rise to witness the traditional Buddhist daily alms-giving procession is followed by a visit to Kuang Si waterfall, a delightful beauty spot with pretty pools and forest trails.
Day 11:
A free day in Luang Prabang
Day 12:
Your time will be free until your driver takes you to the airport for your onward or departure flight.



US $ 1962

Breakfast and accommodation sharing a twin or double room.

Pick-ups and transfers by private air-conditioned vehicle as specified in the itinerary above

Domestic flight tickets: Vientiane – Pakse and Pakse – Luang Prabang, including domestic airport taxes.

Boat cruises as specified in the programme.

Travel in an appropriate private air-conditioned vehicle with an experienced safe driver.

The services of experienced English-speaking guides as indicated in the itinerary (please note: guides will be on hand from pick-up until guests’ return to their hotel or reaching their destination). Free days or part days will not include the services of a guide unless requested and included in the final itinerary.

Where necessary, entry fees for all visits as mentioned in the programme.

Lunches and dinners (as specified in the itinerary) in the best local restaurants, or picnics where no suitable restaurant is available.

VAT and other taxes



International flight tickets and airport tax.


Dinners, except as specified above.

Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses.

Camera fees (if any)


Surcharges for Peak seasons (if any)

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