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Malaysia Luxury Honeymoon 10 Days

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Day 1:
Arriving at Kuala Lumpur airport, you’ll be met and driven to your hotel, with the rest of the day free in your own style.

Day 2:
Today, you’ll have a guided tour of the historic and cultural landmarks of Malaysia’s capital, including a panoramic view of the city from the observation deck of the Petronas Towers.  In the late afternoon, you’ll be driven to the village of Kampung Kuantan for a cruise into the dusk of the Selangor River to watch fireflies, with a seafood Dinner at a local restaurant before returning to your hotel.

Day 3:
Today you’ll travel into the cooler climes of the Cameron Highlands, its lush hills resplendent with tea plantations and British colonial echoes. You’ll have a stop at a teahouse for refreshment on your journey to Tanah Rata and your hotel.

Day 4:
In the morning, you’ll visit a tea plantation for an insight into tea production, before journeying westward to the coastal town of Lumut, where you’ll board a boat for your transfer to the private island of Pangkor Laut and your luxury beach resort.

Day 5:
our time will be free at your leisure to enjoy this delightful resort in your own style, relaxing or perhaps enjoying the many recreational activities on offer.

Day 6:
Free day at leisure.

Day 7:
Free day at leisure.

Day 8:
Free day at leisure.

Day 9:
Free day at leisure.

Day 10:
Your time will be free until your transfer back to the mainland and Kuala Lumpur airport for your onward or departure flight.




Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate


Domestic flights
Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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