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Myanmar Observervation and Meditation 8 Days

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Day 1:
Arriving at Yangon International airport, you’ll be welcomed and driven to your hotel, with time to settle in and relax, before visiting the impressive 65 metre (213 feet) Chauktatgyi Reclining Buddha and the gleaming golden magnificence of Shwedagon Pagoda.
Day 2:
This morning, you’ll have a tour of the colonial heart of old Rangoon, situated around Mahabandoola Park, and its most prominent feature, the ancient Sule Pagoda, standing in timeless golden transcendence of the encircling swirl of modern traffic. Later you’ll enter the peaceable realm of the Mahasi Sasana Yeik Tha monastery for a day’s absorption in Vipassana Meditation under the guidance of a venerable monk.
Day 3:
After breakfast, you’ll take the flight north to Mandalay, where you’ll be met for a sightseeing excursion of Amarapura, visiting the famous Bein U Teak Bridge, and Inwa for a horse and carriage ride around the remains of the Royal Palace and the wooden Bagaya Monastery. Returning to Mandalay, you’ll visit the 4 metre gilt-bronze Buddha at Mahamuni Pagoda, Shwe Nandaw Monastery, and view the magnificent 729 marble tablets inscribed with the sacred teachings of the Triptaka at Kuthodaw Pagoda.
Day 4:
Today, you’ll visit picturesque Sagaing, the oldest of the former post-Bagan capital cities of the area, a beautifully inspiring hill of trees, pagodas and monasteries, where you’ll visit the Thakyadithar Nunnery and meet the Master for meditation and discussion. In the afternoon, you’ll visit other important features of Sagaing, including the pagodas of Soon U Ponya, Umin Thonezeh and Kaung Hmu Daw.
Day 5:
Today you’ll take the short flight to Bagan to visit the stunningly vast Shwezigon Pagoda, and explore the vast ancient city whose awesome presence on the plain suffuses the area with powerful echoes of another age, visiting Htilominlo and Thatbyinnyu temples.
Day 6:
Today you’ll travel across the Bagan Plain to Mount Popa National Park, dominated by the forested slopes of the volcano, long a venerated site of ancient Nat spirit worship. At the foot of the volcano, inspiring presence of the Buddhist monastery atop Taung Kalat volcanic plug will draw you ups its 777 step for an absorbing elevated meditation session under private instruction. Later, you’ll return to Bagan aboard a sunset cruise upon the Ayeyarwady River.
Day 7:
Today, you’ll catch the flight back to Yangon for your onward connection or departure flight.




Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate
Domestic flights 
Sunset cruise in Bagan
Massage at Inya Day Spa


Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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