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Vietnam Southern Overture 7 Days

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Day 1:
Following your arrival at Tan Son Nhat Airport, you’ll be greeted and chauffeured into the heart of bustling Ho Chi Minh City for check-in to your hotel, with time to settle in before a performance of water puppetry and your welcome dinner.

Day 2:
A full day’s encounter with Vietnam’s energetic southern city and its lively population, visiting its most significant cultural and historical sights.

Day 3:
Travelling out beyond the confines of the city, you’ll enter the timeless world of the Mekong River Delta, cruising up its waterways and visiting local communities fishing, farming and evolving their cottage industries to the rhythms of the ever-changing water flow of its all-pervading presence. Later you’ll travel to the riverside town of Can Tho for sightseeing and check-in to your hotel.

Day 4:
This morning you’ll join the waterborne excitement of Cai Rang floating market, drifting among the trading vessels, resplendent with their wares, colourfully jostling the current for prime position, an iconic scene of delta life. Later, you’ll catch the short flight over the delta to the island of Phu Quoc and check-in to your hotel.

Day 5:
Your time will be entirely at your own leisure to enjoy the delights of the island, perhaps lazing upon its lovely beaches, trekking the quietude of its forests, swimming or Scuba Diving its warm waters nestled in the Gulf of Thailand.

Day 6:
Your time will be free at leisure.

Day 7:
Your time will be at leisure until your flight to Ho Chi Minh City and connection with your onward or departure flight.




Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate


International flights
Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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