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Vietnam's Least Travelled Paths 15 Days

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Day 1:
Arriving at Noi Bai airport in Hanoi, you’ll be met and driven to your hotel, with time to settle in and relax before your welcome dinner and an evening performance of traditional water puppetry.
Day 2:
Today, you’ll be driven through the mountain scenery to Mai Chau, with lunch in a Thai ethnic minority stilt-house, before travelling on to the Ma River and a Sampan ride, visiting villages along the way. A hike to Hang Village brings you to the stilt house where you’ll spend the night.
Day 3:
After breakfast, you’ll be able to stroll around the village, meeting the families, before your hike through the pristine scenery to Eo Ken village, high on the mountain. After lunch with a local family, you’ll be driven to Kho Muong village, where you’ll spend the night with a local family.
Day 4:
Today you’ll visit a cave close to the village, before hiking through the forest, enjoying the natural landscape and passing through local villages. You’ll stay in a stilt house overnight.
Day 5:
Today, you’ll be driven to visit the gathering at a local market, and onward, visiting the remarkable water wheels of the Muong People, and over the Ma River for a short hike to the ‘sacred’ fish stream at Cam Thuy, before the journey back to Hanoi and your hotel.
Day 6:
Today, you’ll be taken to the airport for your flight to Pleiku, where you’ll be met and driven to Kontum, in the central highlands, to freshen up and enjoy dinner, before travelling on to Konkotu village, where you’ll spend the night in the traditional Rong House.
Day 7:
In the morning, a gentle 6km hike brings you to the source of the DakBla River, where you can watch the community at work in their ice fields, before a dugout canoes ride down the river back to Kokotu, and the drive to Kontum, where you’ll spend the night.
Day 8:
In the morning, your time will be free at your leisure, with an afternoon tour of the surrounding villages.
Day 9:
After breakfast, you’ll be driven to Buon Ma Thuot for check-in to your hotel and lunch. In the afternoon, you’ll visit Gia waterfall and have a stroll through the forest to the ‘Fairy Pool’.
Day 10:
Today, you’ll be driven to the Ethnology Museum and the Ede ethnic village of A Co Thon, before travelling on to an M’Nong minority village, and an elephant ride along Serapak River, returning to Buon Ma Thuot by late afternoon.
Day 11:
Your time will be free until your driver takes you to the airport for your flight to Ho Chi Minh City, where you’ll be met and driven to your hotel.
Day 12:
In the morning, you’ll catch the flight to Con Dao in the southern archipelago, where you’ll be driven to your hotel. After check-in, you’ll ride on the back of a motorbike to the headquarters of Con Dao National Park and on to Ong Dung Bay and a short hike through the rainforest to the beach for a picnic lunch, with time to relax and snorkel.
Day 13:
After an early rise, the motorbike will take you to Sharp Cape for the sunrise view and breakfast. After a drive around the cape, and a seafood lunch, you’ll visit the famous prison complex, concentrating on the area used by the French colonial regime and the ‘tiger cages’.

Day 14:
In the morning, you’ll return to Con Dao Prison to visit the section used by the Americans during their occupation, with free time in the afternoon to spend in your own style.
Day 15:
After breakfast, you'll be taken to the airport for your flight to Ho Chi Minh City, and your onward or connecting flight.



US $ 3008

Domestic flights: Hanoi - Pleiku, Buon Me Thuot - Ho Chi Minh, Ho Chi Minh - Con Dao, Con Dao - Ho Chi Minh
Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate


Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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