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Endemic Birds of Myanmar 9 Days

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Day 1:
Arriving at Yangon International Airport, you’ll be welcomed and driven to your hotel, with the remainder of the day free to relax or enjoy the city’s features.
Day 2:
This morning, you catch the flight north to Bagan, where you’ll join a birding specialist for a day’s birdwatching among the vast ancient ruins of the Bagan Plain, home to the endemic White-throated Babblers, Jerdon’s Minivets, Burmese Bushlarks and Hooded Treepies among many other interesting species inhabiting this stunning archaeological area.
Day 3:
Today, you’ll explore the Ayeyarwady Riverside in search of its feathered denizens such as River, Grey-headed and Red-wattled Lapwings, Yellow-eyed Babblers, Ruddy Shelducks, Oriental Skylarks, White-tailed Stonechats, Temminck’s Stints, White, Yellow and Citrine Wagtails, Pied, Common and White-throated Kingfishers, Great Cormorants Small and Oriental Pratincoles among many others frequenting the area.
Day 4:
Today, you’ll travel overland through the Myanmar countryside, passing through rural communities and rice-fields from the plains to the upland jungles of Kanpetlet, in Chin State, where you’ll spend the night
Day 5:
After breakfast, you’ll head into the UNESCO World Hertitage area of Natma Taung National Park, birdwatching among its varied landscapes of beautiful Oak, Rhododendron Bamboo and Pine forests, grasslands and Eastern-Himalayan mountains. Within the upland park are its most famous Endemic birds, the White-browed Nuthatch, sharing its world with 232 other bird species, including Mount Victoria Babax, Chin Hills Wren Babblers, Himalayan Cutias, Black-headed Shrike-babblers, Spot-breasted, Sickle-billed and Large Scimitar Babblers, Crested Finchbills, Fire-capped and Black-billed Tits, Brown-capped Laughingthrushes, Yellow-billed Blue Magpies and Collared Falconets among a plethora of others.
Day 6:
Today, you'll continue your birding exploration of the UNESCO World Hertitage area of Natma Taung National Park.
Day 7:
Today you’ll be driven back through the upper Myanmar landscapes to Bagan and your hotel.
Day 8:
This morning, you’ll catch the flight to Yangon and your city hotel, with the rest of the day at leisure to enjoy the former Myanmar capital city in your own style.
Day 9:
Today, you’ll be driven to the airport for your onward connecting or departure flight.




Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English speaking, bird watching specialist guide
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate
Domestic flights 


Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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