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River Cruising Myanmar 9 Days

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Day 1:
After arriving in Yangon Airport, make the connection with your afternoon flight to Mandalay, then transfer to your hotel for a rest.
Day 2:
Board the Amara River Cruise vessel, shortly after setting sail stop to view Mingun Bell and the massive unfinished Mingun Pagoda, continue cruising upriver to Shinemaga.
Day 3:
Continue cruising, stopping by Nwe Nyein pottery village and passing through the Third Defile, drop anchor for the night at Thabeikkyin.
Day 4:
Sail today to Tagaung, one of Myanmar’s oldest capital cities, where you can spend some time on shore excursions before cruising just north of town to stop for the night.
Day 5:
Cruise on to the town of Katha, the scene for George Orwell’s book “Burmese Days”, explore the town and its market before anchoring just upriver for the night.
Day 6:
Cruise from Catha to Shwegu, keeping an eye out for the rare Irrawaddy River Dolphins living in this stretch of water.
Day 7:
Sailing from Shwegu to Bhamaw you will pass the steep cliffs of the Second Defile, arriving in Bhamaw you’ll spend one more night on board the Amara.
Day 8:
Bid farewell to the Amara ship and crew, and transfer to the airport for your flight to Yangon (via Mandalay), then transfer to your hotel.
Day 9:
Free time until your guide arrives to take you to the airport for your departing flight.



US $ 800

Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Full board on the Amara River Cruise
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate
Two domestic flights


Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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