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Untouched Paradise in Mergui Archipelago 8 Days

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Day 1:
Arrival in Yangon Airport: transfer to your hotel for the night.
Day 2:
Fly to Kawthaung at Myanmar’s southernmost tip, check in to your hotel and have the day to explore this small coastal town.
Day 3:
Board your Uniteam Yacht at Myoma Jetty and sail for Mergui Archipelago, after lunch reach 115 Island for snorkelling, fishing or trekking, and moor overnight nearby. 
Day 4:
Wake with the sea breeze and sail on to explore the beach and village on Nyaung Wee Island, have lunch on board as you approach Bo Cho Island where you can kayak, snorkel or fish before retiring to your yacht for the night.
Day 5:
Enjoy the picture perfect white sand crescent beach at 254 (60) Island and the coral reefs around Nampi Island.
Day 6:
Visit one of the Mergui’s best snorkelling spots, Kyun Phila (Great Swinton) Island with limestone cliffs and unspoilt beaches, sail to Nga Mann (Shark) Island for more marine life and coral to enjoy before dinner on board your yacht.
Day 7:
Sail back to the mainland, disembark at Kawthaung’s Myoma Jetty and check in to your hotel for the night.
Day 8:
After breakfast at your hotel, you’ll be transferred to the airport for your flight to Yangon, arriving in good time for your departing international flight. 




Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate
Domestic flights
Tax and government permission for yacht voyage
Four crew members plus English speaking guide on board yacht
Kayaking, snorkelling, fishing and scuba equipment
3 full meals per day (by internationally experienced chef) plus free soft drinks on board yacht


Royalty fees for island visits ($120/person for 5D/4N trip), payable by clients on arrival
Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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