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Ancient Myanmar 14 Days

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Day 1:
Arriving at Yangon International airport, you’ll be met and driven to your hotel, with time to settle in and relax before an introductory guided tour of the former capital city, visiting its cultural and historic highlights such as Bogyoke Aung San Market and Sule and Shwedagon Pagodas.
Day 2:
Today you’ll explore more of the sights in and around Yangon, such as Kobe Aye Pagoda, Chinatown and its Kheng Hock Keong Temple, Chaukhtatgyi Reclining Buddha and Botataung Pagoda.
Day 3:
In the morning, you’ll catch the flight to Heho, where you’ll be met and driven to Kalaw, with a stop at Pindaya, to visit the Buddha images of its caves, and the paper umbrella factory. Arriving at the former British hill station of Kalaw, still resonant with colonial memory, you’ll check in to your hotel and visit the local market and Pinmagon Monastery.
Day 4:
This morning, you’ll be driven across the Shan Plateau to the peaceful Inle Lake, where you’ll board a boat to transfer to your lakeside hotel.
Day 5:
Today, you’ll have a boat tour of the lake, imbibing the atmosphere of its stilted villages and floating gardens, and visiting the ‘five day market’, Nga Phe Monastery, craft villages and Phaung Daw U Pagoda.
Day 6:
In the morning, you’ll be driven to the airport for your flight to Mandalay and your next hotel. You’ll have a guided tour of the city, including the Royal Palace, Mahamuni Pagoda, Khuthodaw Pagoda, the seated Buddha at Kyauktawgyi Paya and Shwe Nandaw Monastery.
Day 7:
Today, you’ll explore the nearby historic cities of Ava, Sagaing, and Amarapura, discovering the sights of these former capitals and their place in Burmese history.
Day 8:
Today, you’ll cross the Ayeyarwady River to visit Mingun and its famous unfinished pagoda, originally planned to be the world’s highest stupa. The astounding 90 tonne bell cast for the ill-fated 18th century project hangs in the nearby Mingun Paya bell tower.
Day 9:
Today, you’ll leave Mandalay and head northwest for Monywa, on the Chindwin River, and check in to your hotel. Here you’ll visit the impressive pyramidal structure of Thanboddhay Pagoda, adorned with 7,350 statues and nearly 600,000 Buddha images. Later you’ll also visit the 130 metre Laykyun Setkyar Standing Buddha.
Day 10:
In the morning, you’ll be driven to Pakkoku, where you’ll board a riverboat to cruise down the Irrawaddy River to Bagan and check-in to your hotel.
Day 11:
An optional early morning hot air balloon ride over the sunrise scene of the ancient city provides for a truly remarkable and unforgettable experience. After breakfast, you’ll begin to explore the vast architectural treasure of this ancient civilisation, contemporaneous to Sukhothai in Thailand and Angkor in Cambodia, visiting the most significant of its remains.
Day 12:
Today, you’ll be driven south to visit Salay Monastery, Mount Popa and the temple atop the volcanic outcrop of Taung Kalat, returning to Bagan for the night.
Day 13:
This morning, you’ll catch the flight to Yangon and be transferred to your hotel, with the remainder of the day at leisure.
Day 14:
Today, you’ll be driven to the airport for your onward or departure flight.




Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate
Three domestic flights


Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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