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Borneo Overture 8 days

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Day 1:
Arriving at Kuching Airport, you’ll be met and driven to your hotel, with the remainder of your day free to settle in and familiarise yourself with your surroundings.
Day 2:
In the morning, you’ll have a tour of Kuching’s historic and cultural highlights, including Chinatown, the Cat Monument, the old State Mosque, Fort Margherita, Sarawak Museum and the colonial centre. After lunch, you’ll travel beyond the city limits to visit the Sarawak Cultural Village, and award winning ‘living museum’ authentically celebrating the dwellings, culture, costumes, music and handicrafts of the ethnic groups and rainforest peoples of Malaysian Borneo.
Day 3:
After breakfast, you’ll leave Kuching, driving through the countryside to Semenggoh Orang Utan Centre, where you’ll hike through the forest reserve to see these iconic denizens. Later your drive through rainforest, pepper and rubber plantations will bring you to the Lemanak River, where a longboat will take you to a traditional Iban longhouse, where you’ll greet the Headman and spend the night enjoying dinner with traditional tribal dances and merry-making.
Day 4:
In the morning, the villagers will acquaint you with the art of using the blowpipe, and after your farewells, you’ll cruise downriver, lunching at Ranchan Waterfall Restaurant. In the afternoon, you’ll be taken to Kuching airport for your flight to Kota Kinabalu, in Sabah, and check-in to your hotel.
Day 5:
Today, your journey along the Crocker Ridge to Poring Hot Springs. Upon arrival, a short trek to the canopy walkway, suspended 40 metres above the rainforest floor takes you 157 metres through the upper foliage, with a further short trek to the springs. After lunch, an hour’s drive will take you to Kinabalu Park, visiting its exhibition hall and garden, home to a wonderful collection of orchids among many other plants, returning to Kota Kinabalu in the late afternoon.
Day 6:
In the morning, you’ll again journey through the plantations and forests of the Crocker ridge to the Rafflesia Centre, visiting its exhibition centre to learn about the world’s largest flower, before trekking into the Primary forest to find buds, and if you’re really lucky, blooms in the wild. After lunch, you’ll drive to Murut Cultural Village to explore the Murut way of life. Later, you’ll journey on to Tenom Agricultural Park, visiting its spice and orchid gardens, after which you’ll dine and spend the night in the park’s resthouse.
Day 7:
An early rise will catch the 08:00 train from Tenom to Pangi Station in the Padas River Gorge, where you’ll have a period of instruction before enjoying the thrill of white water rafting 10 km of rapids down the gorge. At the end of your raft, you’ll enjoy a barbecue lunch at the riverside, before boarding the train to Beaufort and the subsequent drive to Kota Kinabalu.
Day 8:
Your time will be free at your leisure in Kota Kinabalu, until your driver arrives to take you to the airport for your onward or departure flight.




Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate


Domestic flights
Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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