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China Ancient Capitals 7 Days

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Day 1:
Arrival at Beijing Airport: chauffeured transfer to your hotel.
Day 2:
Walk in the steps of the emperors at the Forbidden City and view Tiananmen Square, then go to the grassroots with a tour of Beijing’s hutong neighbourhoods.
Day 3:
Take some time to view the incredible heritage site of China’s Great Wall at Mutianyu, and reward your efforts with a sumptuous Peking Duck dinner.
Day 4:
Stroll the park-like grounds of the Summer Palace, China’s largest imperial garden, and visit the Ming Dynasty Temple of Heaven before catching your flight to Xi'an.
Day 5:
Visit the Shaanxi Historical Museum, explore Xi'an’s Ancient City Wall, and wander the bustling Muslim Quarter and the city’s Great Mosque.
Day 6:
View the incredible 2,200 year-old Terracotta Warriors, then visit Xi'an’s Big Wild Goose Pagoda, built to house Buddhist relics brought from India.
Day 7:
Free time until your guide and driver arrive to transfer you to the airport for your flight to Beijing, where you will catch your international departure flight.



US $ 1633

Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Five lunches and one dinner
Experienced English speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate
Two domestic flights


Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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