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Colonial Vietnam Luxury Vacation 12 Days

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Day 1:
Relax after checking-in to the colonial grandeur of the Sofitel Metropole Hotel, before enjoying some fine dining at one of Hanoi’s top restaurants, housed in a refurbished colonial building. An evening performance of Hanoi’s famous water-puppets will ensure a warm welcome to Vietnamese charm.
Day 2:
A whole day exploring Hanoi will begin with a visit to the Temple of Literature, Ho Chi Minh’s mausoleum and stilt house, exploring the legacy of both cultures and the influence of French communism on this Parisian-educated and most singular revolutionary figure. Later, you’ll visit the thrumming atmosphere of Hanoi’s famous Old Quarter, and its charmingly chaotic mix of cultural influences.
Day 3:
This morning, you’ll explore Vietnamese art, visiting three locally renowned artists, specialising in antique restoration, painting, lacquer work and calligraphy. In the afternoon, we’ll visit Bat Trang craft village, to enjoy its famous handicrafts and ceramic workshops.
Day 4:
Your morning will be free until your driver arrives to transfer you to the airport for your short flight to Hue and check-in to La Residence Hotel, sited in the re-furbished former Governor’s residence, a luxurious blend of modern style and colonial interiors. Later, you’ll explore the old Citadel of Vietnam’s former Emperors, and the remains of the Royal Palaces, before visiting Hue’s bustling Dong Ba market.
Day 5:
Today you’ll cruise the Perfume River to visit Thien My Pagoda, the lavish tomb complex of Emperor Minh Mang and the contrasting European influences of the later tomb of Khai Dinh. Afterwards you’ll visit one of Hue’s inspirational garden houses, before returning to your hotel. In the evening, you’ll dine in the pleasant ambience of another of the city’s famous garden houses
Day 6:
Your time will be free until your car arrives to take you to the airport for today’s flight to Ho Chi Minh City. Upon arrival you’ll be driven to the luxury Park Hyatt Hotel, resplendent with colonial inspired interiors and classic scenes of old Saigon, with time for an exploratory wander around district 1 before dinner.
Day 7:
Today, you’ll visit the famous sights of Saigon, including the History Museum, Reunification Hall, Ben Thanh Market and the remarkable Jade Emperor Temple.
Day 8:
Your day will be free at leisure in Ho Chi Minh City.
Day 9:
Your morning will be free, with lunch at an exclusive colonial restaurant, before your brief flight to Dalat. You’ll visit an embroidery workshop and Dalat market before settling into the unmistakably 1920’s French style of the Sofitel Dalat Palace Hotel.
Day 10:
Your day will begin with a cable-car ride to Truc Lam Pagoda. Later, you’ll visit Tuyen Lam Lake, the Flower Garden, Emperor Bao Dai’s Summer Palace, the famous ‘Crazy House’ and Lam Ty Ni Pagoda.
Day 11:
In the morning you’ll visit Linh Phuoc Pagoda and the charming Dalat Railway Station, before your short flight to Ho Chi Minh City.
Day 12:
Your time will be your own, before your car arrives to take you to Tan Son Nhat Airport in good time for your onward or departure flight.



US $ 4096

Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate


Domestic flights
Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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