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Cruising the Lower Mekong River 9 days

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Day 1:
Arriving at Tan Son Nhat airport in Ho Chi Minh City, you’’ be met and driven to your hotel with time to settle in and relax before an evening welcome dinner.

Day 2:
After breakfast, you’ll be driven south beyond the city to My Tho on the Mekong River, where you’ll board your river cruise vessel, setting sail over lunch at around 1pm. In the afternoon, you’ll moor at Cai Be, where you’ll board a traditional junk for an excursion to An Kiet House and the artisans of Dong Hoa Hiep, before returning to your cruise ship.

Day 3:
In the morning, another traditional junk journey will take you to visit Cai Be’s famous floating market and the iconic sights and features of the Mekong Delta, including Vinh Long, before returning to your cruise and setting sail toward Chau Doc on the Vietnam / Cambodia border. 

Day 4:
A local boat journey along the canals and backwaters of Chau Doc will precede the customs formalities of Cambodia, before cruising upriver to the country’s capital Phnom Penh.

Day 5:
A morning sightseeing of the cultural and historic highlights of Phnom Penh is followed by an afternoon excursion to the Tuol Sleng Detention Centre and the ‘Killing Fields’, sites of the grim genocidal insanity of the Khmer Rouge era.

Day 6:
Cruising beyond Phom Penh through the rural charm of its Mekong riverside villages, you’ll have stops at Chong Koh weaving village and the Wat at Prem Chi Kang.

Day 7:
Continuing upriver, you’ll have excursions to the 8th century pre-Angkorian Chenla Empire temple of Wat Hanchey, the 12th century Angkorian Wat Nokor, the Cheungkok Eco-village and Kampong Chap Orphanage.

Day 8:
Today, you’ll cruise up the Tonle Sap River into the vast Tonle Sap Lake and its characteristic floating villages of this ecologically significant area, which governs the integrity of the waterflow of the Mekong. The lake is also a globally important water bird site.

Day 9:
Your cruise of Tonle Sap Lake concludes with your arrival at Siem Reap, where you’ll be met and driven either to your hotel for an onward exploration of ancient Angkor, or your departure flight.




Boat cruises
Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars


Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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