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Day 1:
Upon arrival at Yangon International Airport, your English speaking guide will be waiting for you and welcome you warmly. Myanmar’s former capital, Yangon is a city full of trees featuring the shimmering golden spire of Shwedagon Pagoda and numerous impressive buildings from the British colonial period. You will be driven to Central Hotel for your overnight accommodation.


Day 2:
This morning explore downtown Yangon, viewing colonial-era buildings and the Independence Monument in Mahabandoola Gardens. After lunch, head to Yangon Central Railway Station for a local experience aboard the ‘circular railway’ that runs on a loop through Yangon’s rural neighbourhoods. You will get a good look at colourful, rural life outside of the city centre, and after your ride enjoy some time in a tea shop. Close the day with a visit to Kyaukhtatgyi Pagoda’s reclining Buddha statue and the glittering Shwedagon Pagoda, which takes on a magical aura at dusk.


Day 3:
This morning transfer to the airport for your flight to Heho, and from the airport you’ll be driven to Pindaya to visit its extensive limestone caves filled with Buddha images.  Over the centuries, 8,000 Buddha images have been placed here, filling every nook and cranny throughout the cave’s many chambers. You will also visit a family involved in Shan paper making, then spend the night at Pindaya Inle Inn.


Day 4:
This morning transfer to the magical Inle Lake. Board a boat and travel down a tributary to reach Inle Lake itself, where you’ll first visit the enchanting 17th century pagodas at Indein. After that, view the lake’s famed floating gardens up close and visit the Ngaphae Chaung Monastery before cruising on to Inle Resort Hotel where you will have the rest of the day free.


Day 5:
In the morning, enjoy the Phaung Daw Oo Pagoda Festival. (This annual festival typically falls in October – contact us for specific dates.) Four Buddha images are carried on a royal barge around to 14 villages on the lake, accompanied by boat processions, celebrating crowds on shore and boat races. Stop by local villages to see traditional silk weaving with hand looms, the processing of lotus blossoms into beautiful fabric, and local blacksmithing, cheroot (cylindrical cigar) rolling, and boat making artisans.


Day 6:
This morning you will be free until time for your transfer to the airport for your flight to Mandalay. In Mandalay, visit Kyauktawgyi Pagoda at the foot of Mandalay Hill; Shwenandaw Monastery, noted for its exquisite wood carvings; and Kuthodaw Pagoda, with its 729 stone slabs containing the entire Buddhist scriptures. Later, visit the ancient royal capital of Amarapura and enjoy sunset from U Bein Bridge. Near the bridge, the world’s oldest and longest such teakwood span, see the traditional silk and cotton weaving for which this region is noted. Return to Mandalay and spend the night at Kyi Tin Hotel.


Day 7:
After breakfast visit Inwa, founded in 1364 and the royal capital for nearly 400 years. Along tree lined paths, travel by horse cart to view the 'leaning tower of Inwa', Maha Aungmye Bonzan, a brick-and-stucco monastery, and the elegant teakwood monastery Bagaya Kyaung. Continue on to Sagaing, downstream from Mandalay on the opposite bank of the Ayeyarwady River. At Sagaing, a religious and monastic centre, visit U Min Thonze Pagoda, Soon Oo Pon Nya Shin Pagoda and enjoy the amazing sunset from Sagaing Hill.


Day 8:
Today visit Mya Nan San Kyaw, the Royal Palace. Constructed by King Mindon upon moving his capital from Amarapura to Mandalay, this was the first palace built in Mandalay. The entire complex was destroyed by fire during World War II, but has since been restored. Also visit the highly revered Mahamuni Pagoda, and take the time to watch local craftsman at work at gold leaf hammering, stone carving and Kalaga tapestry workshops.


Day 9:
This morning, depart Mandalay for a 3-hour drive to the town of Monywa on the banks of the Chindwin River. On the way, visit Thanboddhay Pagoda, a huge Buddhist temple with more than 500,000 Buddha images and the Hlaungdawmu Buddha, the second largest reclining Buddha in Myanmar. Spend the night in Monywa at Win Unity Resort.


Day 10:
This morning cross the Chindwin River by ferry and proceed by jeep to Po Win Taung Caves, an extraordinary complex of 947 sandstone caves dug out of the hills containing what archaeologists consider the richest collection of mural paintings and Buddhist statues in Southeast Asia. Stop by the village of Kyaukka, a centre for lacquer ware production, and then resume your journey to Pakokku, a town with a rich craftwork tradition producing handmade colourful woven blankets, traditional paper toys and traditional sandals. Later, enjoy a leisurely, two hour cruise downriver to Bagan where you will disembark and spend the night at Shwe Yee Pwint Hotel.


Day 11:
Today tour Bagan, one of Asia’s most popular archaeological destinations. Highlights of your day among the incredible temples on the Plain of Bagan include Shwezigon, a prototype of later Myanmar stupas; Wetkyi-in- Gubyaukgyi, with fine frescoes; and Ananda Oak Kyaung, one of the few surviving brick monastery buildings. In the afternoon, visit Dhammayangyi Temple, with the finest brickwork in Bagan, and Thatbyinnyu Temple which towers above the other monuments of Bagan. As the sun goes down, you will be at an ideal viewing site to take in a panoramic sunset view over the temples.

Day 12:
This morning drive to a remarkable volcanic plug formation at Mt. Popa, which supposedly rose from the ground in a massive earthquake in 442 BC. Mt. Popa is famous as the abode of the Nats (Spirits) and for its panoramic view of the region. If you wish, you may climb to visit the temple on the top. On the way to Mt. Popa visit a local toddy palm farmer and see how toddy palm juice and sugar are produced.  Return to Bagan for the night.


Day 13:
After a leisurely breakfast, your car and driver will transfer you to the airport for the morning flight to Yangon. On arrival you will be met and driven to Kandawgyi Palace Hotel, and spend the remainder of the day at leisure. 


Day 14:
Today is your free time to relax and explore the city at your own pace. Your hotel is downtown, within easy walking distance of many markets, shopping and business centres and other major tourist sites. 


Day 15:
Today you are free in Yangon until time for transfer to the airport to board your departing flight.





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