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Cycling Vietnam's Untravelled Mountains 8 Days

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Day 1:
Arriving at Noi Bai Airport in Hanoi, you’ll be greeted and driven to your day-hotel with time to relax before a welcome dinner at a family restaurant. In the evening, you’ll be driven to the railway station to board the overnight sleeper train.


Day 2:
In the early morning you’ll disembark the train at Lao Cai, where you’ll be met and driven into the northern mountains to Sapa. Your first cycle ride is a moderate 30km, travelling mostly downhill along the Muong Hoa valley through scenic mountains and rice paddies, peopled with several of Vietnam’s ethnic minorities, including Black Hmong, Giay and Red Dao communities. At the end of your ride, you’ll be driven back to Sapa and your hotel.


Day 3:
The 20km cycle uphill over a bumpy road rewards with the views from Heaven’s Gate, Vietnam’s highest pass, after which a further 20Km winds down past several ethnic villages through Binh Lu and on to Tam Duong, where you’ll spend the night.


Day 4:
In the morning, you’ll be driven to the top of Hong Thu Meo Pass, to begin the 21km descent to Pa So and lunch at your hotel. In the afternoon a short drive takes you to Phong Tho where an 8km cycle though ethnic villages and a riverside banana plantation is followed by a drive to visit the Vietnam-China border. Later, a visit to a Thai minority village precedes the 7 km cycle back to Pa So.


Day 5:
Today a 91km, mostly downhill, cycle ride through the picturesque Na river valley passes many villages of Red and White Hmong, Kho Mu and White Thai peoples. Arriving at Muong Lay during the early afternoon, you’ll have free time to relax or wander the town and surrounding landscape.


Day 6:
Today, you’ll be driven to the starting point of your 72 km cycle to Dien Bien Phu, a mostly downhill twisting route with uphill sections over three passes, the most challenging of which is the 4km uphill of the last, Co Chay Pass, before descending onto the flat and your Dien Bien Phu hotel.


Day 7:
In the morning, an easy cycle ride around Dien Bien Phu, site of the great battle of the first Indochina War, to visit historic sites including A1 Hill and the De Castries Tunnel. In the afternoon you’ll be driven to the airport for your flight to Hanoi and check-in to your hotel.


Day 8:
Your time will be free at leisure until your driver takes you to the airport for your onward or departure flight.




US $ 1545

Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate


Domestic flights
Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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