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Cycling the Limestone Mountain Range 5 Days

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Day 1:
Leaving Hanoi in the morning, you’ll be driven through the mountainous kandscapes to Mai Chau, where you’ll stay in the stilt house in the Thai ethnic minority village of Pom Coong. After ‘check-in’, you’ll have a 30km cycle through rice paddies and villages untouched by tourism, which an early challenging uphill followed with a gentler and relaxing climax.

Day 2:
After breakfast you’ll begin today’s 40 km ride through the valley to Co Luong, where you’ll board a boat to Pu Luong Nature Reserve, before continuing your ride through the reserve’s trails, with a lunch stop at Hang village, before tackling a few stiff climbs to Kho Muong village, nestled at the foot of limestone hills, where you’ll spend the night in a stilt house dormitory.

Day 3:
This morning you’ll cycle the 12km steep challenging downhill twists and stream crossings to the local market, before cycling a further 8km to Canh Nhang for lunch. In the afternoon, you’ll be driven to Cuc Phuong National Park, to visit the Primate Rescue Centre, staying at the park’s guesthouse.

Day 4:
In the morning, you’ll have a 7km hike through the rainforest, rich in flora and fauna amid the presence of thousand year old trees and dripping vines, returning to the parks headquarters for lunch. In the afternoon a 40km cycle through farmland on quiet roads brings you to Tam Coc, where you’ll spend the night.

Day 5:
Today, you’ll be rowed along the gentle flow of the river, passing  towering karst limestone cliffs, through the three water-level caves of Tam Coc, followed by a stroll to Thai Vi temple. After lunch, you’ll cycle 12km to Hoa Lu, an early capital of Vietnam prior to Hanoi, visiting the old Palace and the temples in dedication of former emperors Dinh and Le, before boarding your support vehicle for the journey back to Hanoi.



US $ 932

Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate


Domestic flights
Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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