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Malaysia Nature and Coast 8 Days

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Day 1:
Arriving at Kuala Lumpur International Airport, You’ll be met and driven to your hotel.
Day 2:
Today, you’ll have a guide tour of the country’s capital, visiting its viewpoints and sites of cultural and historic interest. In the late afternoon, you’ll be driven to the coastal village of Kampung Kuantan for a twilight cruise to watch fireflies and enjoy a seafood dinner.
Day 3:
After breakfast, you’ll travel to Kuala Tembeling to board a riverboat to Taman Nagara National Park and check-in to your resort chalet. In the evening, after dinner, you’ll have a slide presentation before a guided night walk through the jungle.
Day 4:
Today you’ll have a full day in the park, walking to Bukit Teresek, at a height of 334 metres, with panoramic views of Gunung Tahan, where the 500m canopy walkway will give you a view of the forest from 30m up in the trees. Later, you’ll have a stop at the cascade of Lata Berkoh, where you’ll be able to have a playful dip in its pools.
Day 5:
Today, you’ll be driven to the beachside village of Cherating, on the east coast of Peninsula Malaysia and check-in to your hotel, with the rest of the day free at your leisure.
Day 6:
In the morning, you’ll visit Mengkuang Weaving Centre on your way to your next destination, Kuala Terengganu, with a sightseeing trip of its sights, before free time at your hotel.
Day 7:
Your day at Kuala Terengganu will be free at leisure in your own style.
Day 8:
Your time will be free until your driver takes you to the airport for your flight to Kuala Lumpur and your onward connection or departure flight.



US $ 1665

• Breakfast and accommodation sharing a twin or double room.
• Road travel in an appropriate private vehicle.
• The services of experienced local English Speaking driver cum guide (1-6 persons) & local English Speaking tour guides with experienced coach driver (7 persons onwards)
• Where necessary, entry fees for all visits as mentioned in the programme.
• Lunches and dinners, as specified, in the best local restaurants, picnics where suitable restaurants are not available.
• Taman Negara Explorer Package is based on join tour basis (Day 3-5)
• VAT and other taxes


• International flight tickets and airport tax.
• Visas
• Insurance.
• Compulsory Christmas Eve’s dinner and Gala dinner (if any)
• Peak period surcharge for accommodation (To be reconfirmed upon booking)
• The above tour involves the East Coast of the Peninsular Malaysia – not recommended between November to February every year due to the monsoon period

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