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Mekong Delta Tour 8 Days

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Day 1:
Following your arrival at Tan Son Nhat Airport, you’ll be greeted and chauffeured into the heart of bustling Ho Chi Minh City for check-in to your hotel, with time to settle in before a performance of water puppetry and your welcome dinner.

Day 2:
Travelling out of the city to the riverside town of My Tho, a riverboat will carry you along the Mekong River to Xep Canal, delving into the fascinating world of the Delta’s rural life, visiting orchards, sampling the fruits and getting close to the realities of delta life with an enjoyable horse and cart ride and paddling a Sampan through the canals. Later, you’ll travel to Vinh Long and your overnight stay in a family house.

Day 3:
A delightful morning cycle around the delta’s countryside villages, over the region’s many small and characteristic simple wooden bridges, is followed by a boat ride upriver for an insight into the many cottage industries that support the livelihoods of the Mekong peoples. Later you’ll travel to Tra Vinh for your overnight stay.

Day 4:
In the morning, you’ll visit the beautiful Ong Met Pagoda, distinctively styled in the fashion of the Khmer people, an appreciation of whom is further augmented by a visit to the Khmer Minority Museum. An afternoon drive through the Mekong countryside brings you to your next overnight stop at Can Tho.

Day 5:
Boarding a boat, you’ll get into the flow of Mekong commerce among the bewildering water traffic of Cai Rang floating market, navigating through the excited traders as they buy and sell on the mighty river. Later, you’ll travel to Chau Doc, at the Cambodian border, with an easy climb up the path to visit to the Lady Chua Su Temple, affording fine views over the Cambodian plain. Overnight in Chau Doc.

Day 6:
A small sail boat brings you to the floating houses of a local Basa fish farm, and Cham ethnic villages. After lunch, the ‘Bone’ pagoda at Ba Chuc houses a sobering collection of skulls commemorating Vietnamese victims of Pol Pot’s insane murderous indulgences during the Khmer Rouge era of neighbouring Cambodia.

Day 7:
Today, you’ll leave Chau Doc for the journey through the countryside back to Ho Chi Minh City and check-in to your city hotel.

Day 8:
Your time will be free until your driver takes you to the airport for your onward or departure flight.



US $ 1181

Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate


International flights
Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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