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Myanmar Luxury Escape 10 Days

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Day 1:
Arrival in Yangon Airport: transfer to your hotel, then board the vintage “Elephant Coach” for a luxurious ride as you visit Sule Pagoda and downtown’s colonial buildings, later view Kandawgyi Lake and the city’s iconic Shwedagon Pagoda.

Day 2:
Fly to Mandalay and visit the country’s largest monastery, tour a silk weaving workshop, view U Bein Bridge, Mahamuni Pagoda and Shwe Nandaw Monastery, meet some local craftsman, and take in the sunset from atop Mandalay Hill.

Day 3:
At noon, board the RV Paukan River Cruise and head upstream to tour the Mingun Pagoda Complex, in the evening you may enjoy a dance and drama performance on the sundeck; spend the night on the river aboard this luxury cruiser.

Day 4:
Cruise downriver all day, pausing to tour the sacred sites of Sagaing Hill and later to explore a village known for pot-making, and moor for your second night on the river.

Day 5:
Arrive in Bagan in mid-morning, disembark and spend the day viewing some of the most remarkable of this ancient city’s 2,000 temples and pagodas, and enjoy a visit to a workshop where local craftsmen produce Bagan’s famous lacquerware products.

Day 6:
Visit the bustling Nyaung U Market, at a nearby village see locals producing Poneyay Gyi, a fermented soy bean paste condiment, visit Dhammayangyi Temple, and later ride a horse cart farther across the plain of temples to enjoy sunset from an elevated terrace.

Hot Air Balloon Option:  Start off your day with a breath-taking sunrise hot air balloon ride over Bagan’s ancient temples. These weather-dependant flights typically last around 45-60 minutes, and space is limited so early booking is highly recommended.
Dandaree Show Option:  For a night sure to be well-remembered, take in what is billed as Myanmar’s Most Stunning Show, inspired by the country’s grand art and culture traditions. 

Day 7:
Fly to Heho and be driven to Nyaung Shwe to board your InDevi Luxury Boat and tour Inle Lake, viewing a pagoda, a monastery, and some of the traditional local crafts such as silk weaving, silver smithing or cheroot rolling; stay the night at a lakeside resort.

Day 8:
Visit one of the markets around the lake (location changes daily) featuring produce from the floating island gardens, and see the ancient stupas of Indein Pagoda.

Day 9:
Leave your lakeside resort for airport transfer and flight to Yangon, and spend the day enjoying the nearby Chaukhtatgyi Reclining Buddha or Scott Market’s famous selection of handicrafts; enjoy fine farewell dinner at Le Planteur Restaurant.

Day 10:
Free time until your guide arrives to transfer you to theairport for your departing international flight.




Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate
Domestic flights
3D/2N Mandalay to Bagan cruise, InDevi Luxury Boat on Inle Lake
Elephant Coach in Yangon, horse cart in Bagan


Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses
Options in blue

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