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The American Theatre 14 Days

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Day 1:
Arriving at Noi Bai Airport in Hanoi, you’ll be met and driven to your hotel, with time to settle in before your welcome dinner in a restored French colonial building.
Day 2:
Today, you’ll have a full day’s guided tour of the historic and cultural highlights of Vietnam’s capital, which will include the war related Vietnam Military History Museum, the ‘Long-haired army’ display at the Women’s Museum and Hoa Lo (Hanoi Hilton) Prison.
Day 3:
Today, you’ll catch the flight to Danang. Upon arrival, you’ll visit the Son Tra Peninsula, known during the war as ‘Monkey Mountain’. You’ll also visit the marble mountains and a stone carving village. You’ll spend the night in Danang.
Day 4:
Today you’ll visit the wartime sites of Vu Gia - Tu Bon River basin, GO Noi Island, Liberty Bridge, ‘Arizona Territory’, ‘Dodge City’, Hill 55, Hill 65 and An Hoa Combat Base.
Day 5:
Today, you’ll visit Chu Lai Airbase and spend a whole day exploring the nearby war sites of the area, spending the night in the town of Tam Ky.
Day 6:
Today, you’ll visit the wartime sites of Que Son Valley, the scene of heavy fighting during the conflict.
Day 7:
Today, you’ll travel to Que Son Basin to explore the battle sites of ‘Operation Swift’.
Day 8:
Your time will be free in Danang to spend in your own style.
Day 9:
This morning, you’ll be driven over the Hai Van Pass to the city of Hue and your hotel. In the afternoon, you’ll visit the Imperial Citadel and Dong Ba Market.
Day 10:
Today, you’ll visit the battle sites south of the Perfume River, including the areas of the 1/5 and 2/5 operations to capture the city, as well as the sites of Phu Cam Canal, ‘Old Shell Station’ and the Provincial Headquarters building.
Day 11:
Today, you’ll travel to the De-Militarized Zone (DMZ) in Quang Tri Province, visiting the Old Citadel of Quang Tri, La Vang church and Dong Ha town, where you’ll have lunch and check in to your hotel. In the afternoon, you’ll visit the wartime sites of Doc Mieu Base, Hien Luong Bridge, Ben Hai River and the Vinh Moc Tunnels.
Day 12:
Today you’ll visit the battle site of the former Con Tien Firebase, Truong Son National Cemetery, Camp Caroll, the ‘Rock Pile’, Dakrong Bridge, Khe Sanh Combat Base,Lang, Vay Special Forces Camp. You’ll also visit the Laos Vietnam border, before returning to the city of Hue for the night.
Day 13:
In the morning, you’ll visit the battle sites of the A Shau Valley, returning to Hue in the afternoon.
Day 14:
Today, you’ll catch the flight to Hanoi, and your onward connection or departure flight.



US $ 2078

Domestic flights: Hanoi - Danang, Hue - Hanoi
Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate


Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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