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Wine and Roses Honeymooon 15 Days

View attached tour

Day 1:
Arriving in Tan Son Nhat airport in Ho Chi Minh City, you’ll be met and driven to your hotel, with time to settle in and relax before a candlelit dinner.

Day 2:
After a leisurely Champagne breakfast, you’ll have a guided tour of the city, visiting its cultural and historic highlights.

Day 3:
Your time will be free until your driver takes you to the airport for your afternoon flight to Nha Trang, where you’ll be greeted and taken to your chosen beach resort.

Day 4:
Your time will be free at leisure to enjoy Nha Trang Bay and your resort facilities in your own style.

Day 5:
Free time in Nha Trang.

Day 6:
Free time in Nha Trang.

Day 7:
Free time in Nha Trang.

Day 8:
Free time in Nha Trang.

Day 9:
Free time in Nha Trang.

Day 10:
Free time in Nha Trang.

Day 11:
Your time will be free until your driver takes you to the airport for your afternoon flight to Hanoi, where you’ll be greeted and taken to your hotel, with time to settle in and relax before an evening performance of traditional water puppetry.

Day 12:
Today, you’ll have a guided tour of Vietnam’s thousand year old capital, enjoying its ambience and visiting its cultural and historic places of interest.

Day 13:
After an early breakfast, you’ll head eastward to the coast and your cruise into the stunning vistas of Ha Long Bay, a spectacular natural world wonder. Sailing on a wooden Junk, modelled after the Vietnamese Royal Court vessels of imperial times, you’ll visit the grottoes and caves among the myriad islands of the bay, with an opportunity to swim and kayak its waters, and staying on board overnight.

Day 14:
Your cruise continues through the magnificence of the bay’s morning scenery, docking around noon, where you’ll be greeted and returned to your Hanoi Hotel.

Day 15:
Your time will be free until your driver takes you to the airport for your onward or departure flight.



US $ 1583

Domestic flights: Ho Chi Minh - Nha Trang, Nha Trang - Hanoi
Breakfasts and accommodation sharing a twin or double room
Experienced English-speaking guides
Private chauffeur-driven air conditioned cars as appropriate


Drinks, gratuities and personal expenses

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