Hong Kong and Macau are year round destinations and have broadly similar climate patterns, which follow the norms of the northern hemisphere with four distinct seasons, though because of the ocean monsoon summer is not only hot, but also wet. Winter visitors will need extra clothing, especially at night, while summer visitors will need little more shorts, t-shirts and rainwear.

Winter, from December through to February is the driest time, with little rainfall but changeable temperatures. 

On fine days in winter, it is perfectly possible to get highs of a reasonable 18-20C with a night time temperatures a rather cool 10-16C. However, when the wind direction changes, life can be much colder, with daytime highs of around 10C and overnight lows approaching zero. It can be especially cold in the Northern New Territories of Hong Kong.

In March, spring weather begins to prevail, with a gradual increase in temperatures and humidity, but remains capable of significant fluctuations depending on prevailing wind direction. Spring can also bring occasional fog, which can disrupt ferry services.

During April, rainfall begins to noticeably increase and daytime temperatures begin to reach around 25C, with milder nights, which average 21C. In May, rainfall again increases significantly and temperatures climb to highs of 28C or more, with average lows at around 24C.

Throughout the summer, rainfall remains high, with frequent thunderstorms and possible typhoons, while temperatures and humidity soar with daytime temperatures in excess of 30 and warm nights of 25C or more.

From mid-September, the high rainfall of summer begins to reduce quite markedly as autumn sets in, and temperatures fall slightly. By October, daytime temperatures are at a pleasantly warm 28C and the cooler nights average around 24C. Another dramatic decrease in rain is experienced in November and temperature variances slip to between 18C and 24C.

Autumn has the highest average sunshine hours and is widely considered the most pleasant time of year to visit.