Though less visited generally by tourists, other destinations in Cambodia provide some worthwhile excursions for the serious traveller.
Prior to the ascendancy of the Khmer empire, the earlier Chenla Kingdom also had a taste for large-scale temple complexes, the best remains of which can be seen at Sambor Prei Kuk in Kompong Thom province and Preah Khan in Preah Vihear province.
Far to the north, and sharing the province’s name, Preah Vihear is a splendid and unusual Angkorian temple complex, more easily accessed from Thailand, but has also been, and continues to be, the subject of sporadic border conflict between the two nations.

The town of Kratie, along the shores of the Mekong River in northeast Cambodia is often visited as the base for a river trip to see the rare and endangered Irrawaddy dolphins.
Further northeast, close to the town of Banlung and the Laotian and Vietnam borders, lies the bamboo-fringed mirror of lake Yeak Laom, nestled in an extinct volcano, and one of Cambodia’s most remarkable natural features.
Nearby Virachey National Park is Cambodia’s largest, and home to many rare species, though most of its areas are not open to the public. The region is also home to some of Cambodia’s ethnic minorities, collectively locally known as the Chunhiet.

Cambodia’s largest unspoilt wilderness area is is the largely inaccessible Cardamom Mountains in the West of the country and, as home to over 400 animal species, some of which are very rare, is of true global consequence.
The area is the focus of Cambodia’s emerging eco-tourist niche and offers some mountain biking routes and is suitable for true 'off the beaten track' enthusiasts.
For years plagued by illegal poaching and logging, an intelligent and highly successful community-based project at Chi Phat, in the southern Cardamoms, set up by the Wildlife Alliance, is helping to reverse the trend, employing former poachers as wildlife guides and using ecotourism to entirely redevelop the local economy.
The innovative approach to sustainable conservation is daily managed by the local inhabitants themselves, who also provide accommodation and activity programmes for visitors to explore the wildlife and wonderful natural forest features of this beautifully wild area.
A range of activities are available, including wildlife and bird spotting, river rowing, mountain biking, visiting waterfalls, caves and ancient burial grounds, fishing and trekking, ranging from relaxed excursions into the surroundings to full on deep trekking into the vast interior.
As well as supporting the project through simply being there, the Million Tree Nursery invites all guests to plant a tree, a wonderfully satisfying gift to leave behind after your visit.