In advance of any trip, you should first seek out your
own government’s website for health security and up to date travel advice.
With the exception of Yellow Fever, for those travelling from an infected area,
there are no vaccinations required as a condition of entry into Myanmar.
However the decision to avoid recommended medical precautions should be either
based on Medical advice from your practitioner or the personal acceptance of
If planning to travel without medical protection, it may also be prudent to
check for pre-qualifying conditions with regard to ignoring medical advice in
your travel insurance policy.
Currently recommended vaccinations for Myanmar are Adult diphtheria and
Tetanus, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, MMR (Measles, mumps and rubella), Polio,
Typhoid, and Varicella (chickenpox).
Healthcare in Myanmar is generally poor, with few specialist facilities.
Although many medicines are available over the counter, these are often fakes
or out of date.
Assuming good personal hygiene, most travellers will not encounter medical
difficulties, but the most likely ailment, as with all foreign travel, is
diarrhoea, the best countermeasure for which is good hydration, also important
in preventing heatstroke. Sunscreen is also essential.
Cuts and grazes should be kept clean, with antiseptic applied to prevent
Visitors should avoid drinking tap water and water from the wild, and should
use only bottled water, even for brushing teeth. In common with many other
parts of the world, it pays to examine the bottle-top seals, to ensure bottles
have not been re-filled by unscrupulous traders.
Aside from using a mosquito repellent to limit the potential of Malaria or
Dengue Fever, it should also be noted that snakes are very common in Myanmar
and if wandering through scrubland or trekking in wild land it is best to wear
boots and long trousers as a precaution.